
Our Services


Safety Management Consulting has worked across various industries including:

  • Government
  • Construction and Energy
  • Retail
  • Community Sector
  • Strata Management
  • Transport
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing
  • IT and Media

Contact SMC to find out more information on what we can do for your industry.


Work Health and Safety (WHS) is vitally important in the building and construction industry. Every worker has the right to work in a safe environment, and employers should ensure safety is their number one priority on site.

Safety Management Consulting is able to help with all your safety requirements in construction.

From the tendering process

  • Site Safety Plans
  • Site Risk Assessments
  • Safety Policies
  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Site Checklists
  • Hazardous Substances
  • Training, etc
  • Site Audits

All policy and procedure documents created for your business will be owned by your business once the contract has been fulfilled. Naturally, Safety Management Consulting will be available to you should legislation or your business model changes.


It is often thought that an office environment is a very safe environment to work in, however, there are many hazards which if left uncontrolled, could cause injury and health problems. It is important that employers provide a safe and healthy environment in office places.

In all jurisdictions in Australia, employers have an absolute duty of care to ensure the health and safety of their workers and visitors. This duty means that these issues must be addressed.

Occupiers and controllers of workplaces also have duties of care to ensure the workplace is safe.

Does your office meet its safety requirements? SMC can help you review and meet your safety obligations by conducting:

  • Audits, Inspections, and Workplace Assessment
  • Workstation Assessment
  • Training
  • Policy and Procedure

It is the businesses responsibility to ensure workstations, both at the office and home workspaces are ergonomically designed for each individual staff member.

Community and Business Safety

Creating a safe work environment is critical to the success of your business, and is one of the best ways to retain workers and maximize productivity. Though it may cost to implement safe practices and install safety equipment, the effect of not taking action can be severe.

As a business owner or officer (CEO, CFO, GM), you have responsibilities regarding health and safety in your workplace.  You need to ensure that your business doesn’t create health and safety problems for your workers (including contractors and volunteers), customers, or the public.

Knowing and understanding the new work health and safety (WHS) laws will help you avoid unnecessary costs and damage to your business caused by workplace injury and illness. It will also provide your business with a strong foundation to achieve long-term success.

  1. Does your business have a Safety Management Systems in place? 
  2. Do you have current policies and procedures that are tailored to your industry? 
  3. Have your workers been trained in their safety obligations?
  4. Have you reviewed your Safety Hazards and put in a Risk Management System?


The manufacturing industry has a high number of work-related deaths, injuries and illnesses. Businesses have a duty to keep workers and workplaces safe from the risks associated with manufacturing and to ensure they are manufacturing a safe product and are Worksafe compliant.

SMC can help you 

  • identifying hazards—find out what could go wrong and what could cause harm. 
  • assessing risks if necessary—understand the harm each hazard could cause, how serious the harm could be and the likelihood of it happening. 
  • controlling risks—implement the most effective control measures that are reasonably practicable in the circumstances. 
  • reviewing control measures to ensure they are working as planned. 

Some of the most common manufacturing hazards are: 

  • lifting, pushing and pulling (manual handling) 
  • slips, trips and falls 
  • working with dangerous machinery and equipment 
  • hazardous chemicals 
  • noise